Introduction: Coconut Coir Dripper

About: From a DIY enthusiast to a DIY gardener 🍓

This is an instructable of making a dripper using coconut coir fiber.

Step 1: Items


  1. Coconut husk
  2. Bottle


  1. Spade
  2. Gloves
  3. Some gardening skill

Step 2: The Dripper

  1. Firstly, I remove the coconut coir fiber from the husk
  2. I fill the bottle with water.
  3. Then, I firmly plug the bottle with the coir.
  4. I turn the bottle upside down and plant it in the ground next to the plants.


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Low Water Gardening Challenge 2016

Participated in the
Low Water Gardening Challenge 2016

Coconut Challenge

Participated in the
Coconut Challenge

Maker Olympics Contest 2016

Participated in the
Maker Olympics Contest 2016