Introduction: Coconut Headphones

About: I am electronics engineer. Currently working in the High voltage direct current field. There is no better feeling than making something. And if you run in to some problems in the project, after trouble shootin…

Sadly this project was started few years ago. Without any intention to make step by step tutorial. So it began as i was working in my workshop on coconut lamp. And instead of having noise canceling headphones, i just had my regular Philips shp2700. At that point they already have seen better days. Lots of wear and tear. Most coconuts used on a lamp, wore egg shaped. And one was particularly round. And then it just hit me. I have seen some half ass coconut conversions. So i decided that i can do better. And i started. Left my project at the moment (i see that i have a trend here). But about half hour in the project i realized, i have no solder. Just used last bits day before. yeah... so it froze... for a few years... What i am trying to say, is that this might not be the best step by step tutorial. But it will get you on the right path, and also video is somewhat helpful :)

Step 1: Tools & Materials

Headphones (of-course). Highly recommend over the ear ones.

Hacksaw. Dremel with a cutting wheel would work, jig saw as well. Just be careful.

Drill. Few holes here and there always helps.

Solder and soldering iron. No need to have any real soldering experience. Very easy.

Sand paper, power sander or something to make everything smooth and flush.

Clear coat.


Oh and a coconut.

This can be basically free project. Cause i guess mots of needed items you will have.

Step 2: Destruction

There is no nice way of saying this. But most of the driver enclosures will not disassemble nicely. Use whatever you can, screwdrivers wire cutters, etc. Just be sure not to damage the driver with the cushion. As you can see in the picture on the right. I have got inside of the enclosure. At this point what i should have done, was to desolder the connections to the driver. Instead i have cute out the wires from the holes. Instead of desoldering, pulling the cable out. It worked out fine, but i could have damaged the wire or the driver. Not so smart. Learn from my mistake :)

Anyway. Since the driver wit cushion was out, i desoldered connections now. Preferably mark which wire was connected to what channel. It is not the crucial step. But it will help you along the way, to know which wire is left, and which one is the right channel. Not a big deal, but saves few minutes here and there. About now you should be left with a head band, and two drivers. Grate. We can move on to another step :)

Step 3: Coconut Time

This is as simple as it can be. Take a coconut. And cut it in half. As i mentioned before. For this project you should try to find as round coconut as you cant. Although imperfections are welcome. Cause it will add more unique look to your headphones. If you are using, then is just pick whatever direction you want to start, look closely in to the width you are going to get after cutting. Try to make it as close as original enclosure. You can be a lot far off. Just you will need to sand a lot of material down. Cause they are round. The dimensions will shrink in both axis :D And of course no matter what, you will need to sand. To get off that "coconut hair" and get the nut shell. More you sand more interesting texture will you get. Try to go through a lot of grits. To get it as smooth as possible. It will help finishing it in clear coat. And it will look almost professionally made.

If you using jig saw. Best way is to drill out one of those three original holes i guess. I don't know how to call them :) Be careful using power tools and cutting things that you have in your hands.

Drill to holes in to each half on the sides. Try to make them as it was on the original enclosure. Make sure that they will fit and will rotate inserted. One half will have to have additional hole for the cable to come in, if you have headphones where both drivers have wire coming in, than both of them will need a hole on the bottom. One interesting thing. When i started drilling holes, i was surprised how hard it was to drill coconut with a drill bit for wood. So i switched to a drill bit for metal. You cannot believe the difference. It went like butter.

Before doing any soldering or connections, you have to remember that after this point, you are not going to be able to disassemble everything. So the coconuts, have to be clear coated right now. After it will be hard if you need to do any kind of masking, and trying not to get clear coat on the pivoting points. So save your self a lot of time. And coat it before hand. It will delay your progress for at least and hour. Depending on your clear coat and how many layers you are going to put. I recommend at least three layers with half hour brakes between them. Sanding is optional, cause it would delay you even more. But if you are going for the super smooth finish, there is just no other way. It will take a lot of time. So, after cleat coat dries, now is the time to install coconuts into the head band. Try not to scratch that new sexy finish.

Step 4: Wiring

Yeah, so you have coconuts installed. Wires should be inside of them, now one side, is simple as soldering two wires to the driver . It's even marked where is positive and where is negative.

Other side is not much harder. Coming from the jack, solder positive wire to positive terminal, both negatives solder onto driver as well and just connect remaining positive wire from head band to a wire which is left from the jack. Thats all she wrote. Simple as that.

Step 5: Final Thoughts

Simple, and cheap (in most cases free) project. If you want to revive old pair of over the ear headphones, look no further. After a good afternoons time of "work" you will be left with one of a kind headphones. You can add a lot of unique style to it too. For example, engraving coconuts. Or drilling some shallow holes in it to give more texture. designs or what ever your heart desires. Make and be happy.