Introduction: Colorful_to_my_lover_2
In the rainy season.
the most beautiful thing is when it's stop
raining and the sun comes out and the
colorful rainbow is up the sky !
i wanna give a gift like that to my lover .
Step 1: Material
arduino mini * 4
arduino nano * 1
resistor 330 OHM * 24
arduino UNO (for program the mini)
12v battery * 1
DC_2_DC module * 1
3v battery * 2
DC motor * 1
card board * 1
IC 2003
PCB * 1
Step 2: Find Out the Rainbow Color Code Use UNO
dye the paper work with arduino
Step 3: Sorting Them in the Rainbow Order(in Coding)
i set the order :
Incandescent, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
which means the SUN, the RAINBOW bands.
Step 4: Let It All Print Out
on the tissue
it's easier to let it all out on paperwork,
but on the arduino circuit is difficult !
Step 5: Connecting All the LED(s) and Mini(s)
Step 6: Let It All Out
over here, the motor is not connected yet.
Step 7: Span the Width
adjust the voltage of the DC motor
and codes in order to increase the
width of the RAINBOW.
from dots to lines, and then
from lines to bands.
i use a wasted cola bottle to be the support.
Step 8: Drawing the Animation
VIDEO 1 is before embedding animation.
PIC 1 is after embedding animation it's rainbow.
PIC 2 is after embedding animation it's an empty heart " <3 ".
PIC 3 is after embedding animation that's a smile " : ) ".
PIC 4 is after embedding animation it's a colorful heart " <3 ".
PIC 5 is after embedding animation it's a bear
VIDEO 2 is after embedding animation.
TIP(s) : i use a piece of thin board or a piece of
card board.
in order to get better perfermanance you could use
thin board or a piece of polyfoam thin board instead.
Step 9: Controlling the Rainbow Bands and Synchronizing Between Frame to Frame
i use the reset line to sync(to MOVE in order).
the signal sync is sent from nano to mini 1,
mini 2, mini 3, mini 4 at the same time.
when mini 1 have seceived the sync
LED 1 will reset to INCANDESCENT, and
when mini 2 have seceived the sync
LED 3 will reset to ORANGE ,
and so on ......
and ~ i use a dc2dc module to adjust the voltage
for the motor in order to sync the frames.
TIP(s) : i use
Incandescent, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo
and violet LED by turn.
TIP(s) : for best efficency i use the 12 V battery
and a module of DC_2_DC in order to adjust the
rotary speed to sync between frame to frame.
Step 10: Coding
the RGB2_1.ino is the code for mini1.
the RGB2_2.ino is the code for mini2.
the RGB2_3.ino is the code for mini3.
and the dotMatrix5_RGB_2-2.ino is the code for nano.
and UNO is used to program the mini(s).
Step 11: Assembling Them All Together
PIC 3 : the "ab" text.
PIC 4 : the "y" text.
PIC 5 is after embedding animation it's a text "I <3 U".
means the "baby I LOVE U"
TIPs:the images are come from the NG propeller !