Introduction: Common Gerber File Problems

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Gerber File

Gerber files are open ASCII vector format files that have info on each layer of your PCB design. Circuit board objects, like copper traces, vias, pads, solder mask, and silkscreen images, are all shown by a flash/draw code and defined by a series of vector coordinates. PCB manufacturers use these files to translate the details of your PCB design into the physical properties of the PCB

We are extremely thankful to JLCPCB for sponsoring projects on this website and Youtube channel. JLCPCB is the foremost PCB prototype & manufacturing company in china, providing us with the best service we have ever experienced regarding (Quality, Price Service & Time). We strongly recommend ordering PCBs from JLCPCB. All you need to do is just download the Gerber file and upload it to the JLCPCB website after creating an account visit their website to look for more!.

Step 1: Common Gerber File Problems and Their Solutions

1) Outmoded File Format

Always avoid generating Gerber files with 274D file format. The 274D Gerber format is completely obsolete with current PCB manufacturers. Most manufacturers in today’s design market accept either the 274X Gerber format or it’s updated version called the Gerber X2 format. This does not mean that your manufacturer will no longer accept the 274X Gerber format, as most PCB manufacturers are still working with it. Always check with your PCB manufacturer beforehand and verify what Gerber format do they accept

2) Drill Format
A number of times Drill files are provided without the correct file format. It becomes really frustrating for the manufacturer to import the Gerber file and the entire process is then chalked up to an awkward trial and error format. To resolve this, The header in the file should include information that clearly indicates the format. The proper format is called an NC Drill file.

3) No Fabrication Drawing

Always provide fabrication drawings to your manufacturer even if the Gerber viewer they use can design one. fabrication drawing provides useful information about the desired board details that are not contained within the Gerber files. In addition to displaying the overall dimensions of the board, they will identify any special cut outs or routing. They can also contain any notes related to the fabrication of the boards such as file names, material type, thickness, finish, etc.