Competitior 1.2 Mod Addition


Intro: Competitior 1.2 Mod Addition

So I know a lot of people have not built any of my competitor guns yet, so I decided to mod one of my own guns. I modded the first competitor to be a better looking and have more range. It also features removabe mags and a mag lock mechanism that isn't rubberbands. This thing gets at least 50 feet and punches through paper quite nicely. Overall I am very satisfied how it turned out and I haven't been this thrilled about appearance since my secondĀ Competitor, although people were not quite thrilled about the looks of that one either so we'll see how this one turns out. I haven't touched the Springbreaker since I posted the forum, but I will get back to it shortly with a new attack on the revolver mech.

Thanks for looking and commenting as always,



I like it a lot, but I would like to see a video of it shooting. If you do, thanks.
Thanks! I will include a video of it shooting in the full ible of this gun. Hopefully I can get that out by Wednesday if I have some time.
I like the looks it's awesome but you just have to post some instructions please ;)
Thanks! I'll add that to the list of ibles' to be published. My ussual thing for instructibles is to only post things that I can post full ibles' for.
Now thats a gun. Who wouldnt make this. Man you should make instructions because its tooooo good not to build!!! ~KD2000
Well I guess I can make a guide for you.... Give me some time.
ok thanks :) that would be great!!! cant wait lol!
I'm sorry this isn't posted yet. I got distracted with a new project I'm working on so, after that it's being posted.
It looks much better, but, as always, it could use some work (every gun ALWAYS needs some work). I love how you are improving your JBG firearms. You are doing fantastic. =D
Thanks! =) Did I make it appear more rounded?
Good, I was trying to do that.
its ok but you are kind of repetitive in your posts
Well is it the name repetitive or the description? I am a car guy and even though years change model names do not, I just update more often than cars. Is the look of the gun any better though?