Concrtete Lamp


Intro: Concrtete Lamp

Hello People!! I used some empty bottles of milk and some concrete that was left, and i made this lampshade!

I hope you like it!

STEP 1: Materials

For this project i used

1. two empty bottles o f milk (one big and one smaller one),

2. a lamp

3. some concrete with water and sand

4. a wire

5. one smallpiece of 5 cm polysterine.

STEP 2: Making the Mold

For the mold, i used the two empty bottles of milk.

First of all , i cut the bottoms of them both.

Then I tried to put the one inside the other, so there will be a gap about 2 to 3 cm everywhere.

I used plastic bottles of the same company, so the shapes of the big and the small bottle are almost the same.

After that, i mixed the concrete with water and sand, and put the mixture inside my mold.

I left the concrete there for one day, in order to be strong enough, so i could cut the plastic bottles.

STEP 3: Put Some Light

After the mixture was strong enough, i removed the two bottles and i made a hole in the back of lampshade as shown in the picture.

After that i put the wire through the hole, and attached it to the lamp.

In order to keep the lamp stable inside the concrete lampshade, i attached to it a piece of polysterine as you can see.

STEP 4: Hang It!!

After that the lampshade is ready, the next step is to choose some nice place that you need light and hang it


How heavy is this lamp? I'd be concerned about the hanging weight as well as the sheer mass of it hanging where someone could bash into it.

BTW, I've seen some DIY concrete projects where the person mixed in vermiculite to decrease the weight. I think it was for some decorative lawn features (faux watering troughs or something) that you could still lift and move after casting them.

I like your idea a lot.

The lamp should be around 2 to 3 kgs, the hanging weight is ok,

but if someone hits it, it would hurt definitely!! But this could happen with other lamps too! I don't see any big problem with the weight in this size of project, but for some bigger lamps this would be considered as a problem for sure.

The solution with the vermiculite sounds good, you could also use some lightweight concrete, or some tiny foam balls into the mold.

Thank you for the comment, i am glad you liked it.