Condiment Container


Intro: Condiment Container

I could not find the reference to where I saw this a good while ago. You can use this camping, picnic, hiking or any other outdoor occasion to hold salt, pepper or any such granule condiment. Hikers use this because of the convenience and light weight.

STEP 1: Cut Ends

Using an ordinary straw, cut pieces small pieces off each end as shown.

STEP 2: Fold and Crimp

Now, fold the ends of the straw and crimp them with your finger to allow the cut pieces to fit. slide cut pieces over the crimp and push.

STEP 3: Fill and Finish

before closing the other side fill with your condiment and repeat the previous step to seal off the straw. Now you have a cool and convenient way to carry your salt and pepper.


Thanks for the added information!
Salt and pepper are not condiments, there seasonings
   Condiment \Con"di*ment\, n. [L. condimentum, fr. condire. See      {Condite}.]      Something used to give relish to food, and to gratify the      taste; a pungment and appetizing substance, as pepper or      mustard; seasoning.      [1913 Webster]
Pepper is explicitly listed. I'm thinking that salt probably meets the definition, as well.
Oh oh oh, does that include butter?!
it does in my book
Land oh lakes we appreciate your comment but we FREAKING understand that. We know what TripWir3 meant so yeah...diction Nazi! any way you know instead of this you could just use a lighter to melt and end of a straw and use pliers to close it then fill and do the same to the other end
where seasonings? They are, or they're seasonings ;)
I was actually going to point that out
You can put ketchup in there if you'd like :)
 this would be good for jays if you had a thicker straw
I don't get how it stays in the straw.
Straw end folded over, fold held down with the cut-off section.
I did this with my favorite spices and used a Foodsaver Vacuum sealer to seal the ends of the straws. That way they are waterproof as well.
Thanks Trip- good idea and I see some have improved on the idea. Another one is to use heavy ziplock freezer type baggies and heat seal the bags into tubes for things like peanut butter and jelly for instance. Make sure to roll the end back and keep it clean to make a good seal.