Cookie Doh Play Doh You Cook Then Eat


Intro: Cookie Doh Play Doh You Cook Then Eat

There's always third days its rainy and nothing is on tv. This is a fun thing to do with any one any ages. Ingredients: sugar cookie mix Flour food coloring

STEP 1: Directions

First get sugar cookie mix and follow the directions on the bag

STEP 2: Mix

Mix the cookie mix until fully mixed.

STEP 3: Separate

Separate the cookie doh in bowls

STEP 4: Food Coloring

Add food coloring and mix

STEP 5: Play

Play with the cookie doh and make sculptures and art with the doh

STEP 6: Cooking

Put the cookies in the oven for the desired time on the package. Don't forget to spray the pan

STEP 7: Cooling

Wait 5 minutes for the cookies to cool and then enjoy

STEP 8: Tips

Add flour to the mix so it isn't do sticky.


Remember color affects taste
Oh gosh looking forward to trying these cookies!