Introduction: Counter (0=> 99) Using Arduino UNO and Two 7display Segmments
hi !
this is my first instructable , this instuctable concern making a counter ( 0 => 99 ) .
Step 1: Step 1 : Realize the Montage
parts needed :
- 2 displays 7segmment common anode
- 4 resistors : 2 ( 2.2k ) on the bases of the two transistors + 2 ( 220 ) protections 7 segments displays.
- 2 NPN bipolar transistors of 2N2222 reference, where equivalent ( BC547 ) .
- 7segment BCD decoder ,reference SN7447AN .
- Arduino UNO Card .
- Wires .
Step 2: Step 2 : the Code
the code is set to run counting bu 500 ms , you can change it to 1 second if you wont to use this counter as a chronometer ..
here in the code => while((millis()-temps) < 500)