Cozy Basket for a Loved One


Intro: Cozy Basket for a Loved One

For this Instructible I made a cute and cozy basket for a loved one. You could make this for your friend, mom, siblings, etc. I mean who doesn't love soft blankets, slippers, candles, and cute little stuffed animals.

STEP 1: Make It Pretty

First you are going to make everything that you are planning on putting in the basket all pretty. For example, Take the blanket, and put a cute little bow or ribbon on it.

STEP 2: Card

Second, You are going to make a sweet, loving card to go on the top of the basket. First fold a normal printer piece of paper in half hamburger way. On the front write something along the lines of "Stay warm." On one side on the inside of the card, write a nice little note for your loved one. On the other side draw a little picture. Make sure that there is a little color on your card or it will just be boring.

STEP 3: Assemble

Place everything neatly into your basket. Make sure that you can see everything and it looks organized. You also are going to make sure that the card is right on top.

STEP 4: Give You Gift to Your Loved One

This is the best part! Give your gift to your loved one and watch the amazing reaction on their face.