Craft Storage Case


Intro: Craft Storage Case

This practical and convenient case can hold Mom's craft supplies, no matter what her hobby. The see-through zip lock plastic pockets will allow her to organize and keep her tools and materials handy.

STEP 1: Materials and Tools Needed


thin fabric markers
Stabilized(paper backed) Fabric for drawing design 8" x 8"
fabric -- 1 yd. solid, 1 yd. novelty print
interfacing -- 1 yd. (sew-in or iron-on)
ribbon -- 1 yd., if desired
gathered lace 2 yd., if desired
Steam-a-Seam2 double sided iron-on adhesive 6" x 6"
sewing machine, thread, iron
light box or well-lit window for tracing
zip lock bags two 6" x 7"  and one 11" x 11"

STEP 2: Cut Out

Cut out:

24"  x 14 " print fabric for outside (reserve rest to trace design from later)
24" x 24" solid fabric for lining and inner pockets
two 8" x 6"  pieces solid fabric for outside pocket
24 " x 14"  interfacing for print fabric interface
8" x 6"  interfacing for front pocket interface
24" x 5"  interfacing for inside pocket lining on solid
6" x 6"  piece Steam-a-Seam2 fusing medium
Ribbon: 15" piece for binding in zip lock bags, and four 6 1/2" pieces for two sets of ties, 4 piece for bow

STEP 3: Interfacing and Inner Pocket

Baste or iron interfacing to wrong sides of print fabric, outside pocket, and lower edge of solid lining fabric

Place lining, wrong side up (with interfacing showing on bottom). Fold interfacing up to enclose it, press, and run a seam along fold. Turn lining over, fold pocket up, and baste in place. Sew lines forming inside pockets as desired.

STEP 4: Outside Pocket

On outside solid pocket, baste lace to right side of interfaced pocket.

With right sides together, sew around pocket, trapping lace between sides, and leaving 2 opening to turn.

Turn and press.

Stitch to outside front.

STEP 5: Attaching Lace to Borders

Baste lace to interfaced print outside.

Pin right sides together, then sew lining to outside, just as you did for pocket.

Turn, press, and top stitch.

STEP 6: Trace Design for Front Pocket

Using a Light Box or well-lit window, pin Stabilized Fabric over design element you wish to trace.

Using thin fabric markers, trace and color design.

Remove paper backing, hand press on Steam-a-Seam2, and cut out the design.

Remove backing and iron onto front pocket.

Add bow with hand stitch.

STEP 7: Attaching Plastic Ziplock Pockets

Overlap bottoms of zip-lock bags down center of inside pocket.

Turning under ends of ribbon, sew seam, binding bags to holder along inner spine.

STEP 8: Finishing Case

Stitch two ribbons to front and to back at edge for tie closures.


Hey, this is a great instructable and is very informative. Just one thing is missing... pictures! It really helps a lot when trying to follow directions so you should consider taking some photographs. Once you do that and leave me a message when you have so that we can publish your work. Thanks! Thanks for the cool instructable and we hope to publish this soon!

There is no final photo that shows the finished product. I'm not sure if it is two dimensional or had usable front & back sides. This is a tutorial that should have been better because somewhere in there I believe there is a beautiful finished product.

Very attractive and useful. Thanks for the instructions.
I am glad you liked it!
That is really nicely done and I love your choice of fabric. I could use one of those myself, my craft supplies are scattered all over the place!
Hi. Thanks for the update. I thought the pictures went through when I first submitted it. Obviously they didn't. . . I tried again to submit the pictures with it. Please let me know if there is anything else I have to do.