Create New Account in the CRM


Intro: Create New Account in the CRM

Step by step instructions on how a new Account in the CRM.

STEP 1: Log on to CRM. Once Logged in You Want to Search for the Account/Vendor You Wish to Add to Make Sure They Do Not Already Exist.

Remember to use the asterik to help broaden your search. Even though this vendor is Birmingham Orthopedics, I want to allow for the possibility that someone may have entered it as Birmingham Orthopaedics.

*Tip: We use the Account to reference a Vendor or a Prospect in the CRM

STEP 2: Once You Have Confirmed That No Account Matches in the CRM, Select the "+-Create" Button at the Top of the Page.

STEP 3: Click "+ Create" to Create the New Account

STEP 4: Start Typing Your Vendor Information. the * Are Required Fields.

STEP 5: When Tabbing Past the "Main Phone" Field , You May Get the Above Error.

Just click OK and keep entering your information.

STEP 6: Once You Have Entered All of the Required Fields, "Save". You Have Successfully Entered the Account Into the CRM.


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