Create Your Own Nike+ (Nike Plus) Sensor Hole in Your Running Shoes


Intro: Create Your Own Nike+ (Nike Plus) Sensor Hole in Your Running Shoes

NOTE: The instructions are included with each picture.
To see all the pictures (and see all of the steps) you MUST register for a FREE account on this site.
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There are many options out there for using NON-Nike+ shoes with your Nike+ sensor and iPod.
From pouches to a ziploc bag, all of the helpful hints out there do everything except replicate the original intent of using a hole in the foam section of the shoe under the sole.

This tutorial will teach you to create a Nike+ sensor hole in whatever brand shoe you have.
This example is for my wife's Asics which she likes much more than her Nike+ running shoes.

There are a lot of steps in this tutorial for the sake of explanation, but the process is fairly simple.


Credits - To Brian Devane for giving me MacGyver skills when I was just a wee lad,
which I needed to pull off such a project.

STEP 1: Things You Will Need

Here is a list of things you will need to make your own Nike+ sensor hole!

1. The Nike+ Sensor Kit (UNOPENED... this is VERY important)
2. The left shoe of your favorite pair of running shoes
3. A Box Cutter or Utility Knife (With a new blade preferably)
4. Scissors (for cutting paper)
5. A Dremel tool with a sanding bit.

STEP 2: Create a Template

The key to creating the perfect hole is to have the perfect template.

If you think about it, the perfect template comes with your Nike+ Sensor Kit.

Follow the instructions with each picture below, and you will be on your way.

STEP 3: Use the Template to Trace the Hole

In this step, we will place the template and start tracing the hole for our Nike+ sensor.

Now you will need your box cutter, your template piece, your shoe, and a LOT of patience.
The more patient you are in this step, the better your results will be.

Follow the images.

STEP 4: Route Out the Foam in the Hole With the Dremel

This step takes a steady hand, and more patience. If you have worked with a Dremel before on any material, you know that as it spins at high speeds, it sometimes wants to catch on something and run across your material. If you keep your grip firm on the Dremel and hold it steady in the workspace, you should be fine.

Use a sanding bit like the one pictured below. Normally you wouldn't think of "sanding" foam, but it eats away at the foam consistently enough for good control. That's the key.

Follow the pictures.


It's rare for me seeing DIY custom shoes. As i've known many just bring them to their trusted cobblers like the famous in the US.

At the time, as you can see in the pictures, Nike had custom shoes for these tracking devices, but this instructable allowed for people to have the same benefit with other brands of shoes. Thanks for checking it out!