The Christmas Booze Advent Calendar


Intro: The Christmas Booze Advent Calendar

A few tears ago I was disappointed with the fact that I couldn't find a decent adult advent calendar, I thought I'd take it upon myself to create something a bit more suitable. If you like Christmas and enjoy a festive tipple, you'll love the Christmas Booze Advent Calendar!

STEP 1: Gather the Components.

Take 1 bottle of port and 24 cans of lager.

STEP 2: Create the Stable Doors.

Cut open the bottom of each box so that the bottom of the cans face out through the "stable doors".

STEP 3: Grab a Sharpie.

STEP 4: Number the Cans

Label the cans 1 to 24 using the sharpie (Don't worry, there will be something to drink on the 25th...)

STEP 5: Make It Festive

Find some nativity characters and cut them out. These are the ones I used:

STEP 6: Decorate!

Stick the characters on to the lager boxes

STEP 7: Prepare Your Christmas Day Drink

Write the number 25 on to a star and stick it to the bottle of port. This is your drink for Christmas Day. OH GOD YES!

STEP 8: Enjoy

Put all the cans back inside the boxes, place the bottle of port on top and your Christmas Booze Advent Calendar is complete! As you drink a can each day, baby Jesus and the Christmas scene are slowly revealed. :)


A local liquor store makes something very similar but with a different beer for each day. Great idea!
Oh that is very good.
I think that beer manufacturers should actually sell this assembled.
Happy Christmas.
Thank you FriendOfHumanity!

I'd love it if you could actually buy this. If you ever meet meet anyone from a beer company please send them my way and we'll get this on the shelves! :)
You, sir, are a magnificent bastard (see "Patton"). This was a great idea...drink for the 25th would vary with the maker (I'd skip port and go with a 10yo rum that survived Hurricane Katrina). Anyway, great 'ible!
I can't do less than agreeing to you comment and to laugh as I did when I understood the real purpose of this 'ible.