Cropping in Acrobat X


Intro: Cropping in Acrobat X

When first trying to crop in Acrobat X I had no clue how to crop, as it is different then it was in previous versions. This instructable will show you step by step, how to crop in Acrobat X.

To get started open a PDF in Acrobat X on your computer.

STEP 1: Creating a CropBox

The first step is creating a CropBox. This is the area that tells Acrobat X what you wish to crop.

With the document open in Acrobat X, go to the Pages panel, and select Crop.
On the document, draw a rectangle of the area you wish to crop.
Once this is done you may move, or resize the CropBox as you wish.

STEP 2: Cropping

Once you draw the CropBox, you need to tell Acrobat X to crop it.

To do this, double click on the CropBox you created in the previous step.
This will open the Set Page Boxes dialog.
You may adjust Top, Left, Bottom, and Right to further adjust the CropBox.
Also, you may select which pages you wish to select by adjusting page ranges.
Finally, press OK to crop the selected pages, to the CropBox.


Worked like a charm. I'm used to looking for things in the menu bar. I suppose Adobe does things differently. Thanks!

Thanks! I was trying to manage the upgrade intuitively, but was missing the double click! So easy once you know, thanks for guiding the way. :)

This isn't a permanent crop though, the area outside the crop box is still there.
I just did a search on the Acrobat Help page and found no help for cropping. Thank you for the Instructable.