Introduction: Cross-Beam Wooden Shelf
This shelf can be used to hold various small items that may be creating clutter otherwise.
Step 1: Cutting the Pieces
Start by splitting your pine wood into two 1200mm x 90mm pieces. Then cut them into pieces this size:
1 550mm x 90mm
2 200mm x 90mm
2 300mm x 90mm
2 450mm x 90mm
Make sure to sand rough faces.
Step 2: Making the 'L's
Using a very small drill bit (the same size as your nail) drill two holes in the end of both 450mm x 90mm pieces. These holes should approximately be half as high as the timber is thick. After putting the wood glue on both surfaces that will be joined on the 450mm x 90mm and the 300mm x 90mm, put the 300mm piece in a vice, line both pieces up and nail them in. (Optional: if the join is slightly off, put it in a clamp while pushing the join into place.) You should end up with to 'L' shaped pieces.
Tip: Use a tri square to make sure the pieces are perpendicular to each other.
Step 3: Marking Up for the Crossbeam and Shelves
Put the L's together and put the respective pieces in and mark up what parts of the 550mm x 90mm and 200mm x 90mm need to be cut off. Do this by placing the 550mm x 90mm inbetween the two L's, then insert the 200mm x 90mm and slide them towards the middle until they can't go any further, then mark what needs to be cut off to fit in the L's. Take care as the 200mm x 90mm both need to be cut off at an angle.
Step 4: Turning the L's Into F's
Using the previously marked up measurements and the 200mm x 90mm pieces, (which at one end should have a small portion cut off at an angle) Glue, nail then clamp them into their respective spots on each L - turning them into F's.
Tip: Use a tri square to make sure the pieces are perpendicular to each other.
Step 5: Adding the Cross Beam
Before gluing the rest together, getting the crossbeam down to size is slightly difficult. To make sure all the pieces line up and the shelves and crossbeam fit within the frame, small amounts of sanding are required as necessary, as the crossbeam may not be the only thing that needs to be adjusted for the L's to come together - the shelves might need to be sanded down slightly too.
Step 6: Putting the Two F's Together
While using a tri square, glue, nail then clamp the two F's together. Make sure the crossbeam will line up with the diagonally cut shelves once it is cut down to size, however do not put it in while the F's are being glued together.
Tip: make sure the ends of the crossbeam are rounded so they fit into the corners of the frame better.
Step 7: Gluing the Crossbeam in Place
Because of the angle, the crossbeam can not be nailed down, so instead it will be glued in place with the shelves. The faces should line up to be glued and if not, use a thin piece of plywood to fill the gap. Clamp each shelf from along its length to the other side of the frame to make sure the crossbeam is held into place. Make sure all the pieces are properly aligned and if not, use a third clamp to even t everything up.
Optional: Stain your wood or coat it in varnish for a different colour.