Introduction: Cucumber Rolls

About: Heya, I'm Helen and I love to make and learn how to do stuff.

This is how you can make cucumber rolls. Perfect as appetizers.

Step 1: What You Need:

Here is what you need:

- cucumber

- cream cheese (with herbs)

- spoon

- peeler

Step 2: The Cucumber

Wash the cucumber. Now star peeling it, but just from one side! (picture 1)

You get stripes that should look like picture two. If the cucumber gets to big and you can´t peel it anymore just start from the other side.

Step 3: The Filling and the Rolling

Now put a bit cream cheese to one end of the cucumber stripe.

Now you can roll it. You might need some cream cheese as `glue´ for the end.

Step 4:

Put them on a plate, you can serve them right away.

There you go - cucumber rolls!


*special thanks to my sister*