Cute Pocket Bunny!!!!


Intro: Cute Pocket Bunny!!!!

Fast easy, and totally adorable!!!

STEP 1: Stuff You Need

You will need


-fabric (fuzzy if you want)



-a needle

That's it!

STEP 2: Starting

Start with cutting two squares of fabric the same size. Put the parts you want showing facing the inside, and sew along the edges, leaving a small hole. Turn it inside out, stuff it, and sew the hole shut. You should have a little pillow of fabric now.

STEP 3: Ears

Cut tall ovals of fabric(doesn't matter how big), pinch the bottom and sew it shut and to the body. Do this twice.

STEP 4: Face

Now add a face. You can sew it on, draw in on, or even attach buttons! However you want.

STEP 5: Done!

Tada!! Now you have a huggable little friend you can take anywhere!!!!