DIY Arduino Mini Laser Engraving Machine


Intro: DIY Arduino Mini Laser Engraving Machine

Hello guys in this post I have build a CNC engraving machine

Using Arduino nano, stepper driver, 1W laser module and custom made PCB

I have designe and order PCB from JLCPCB.COM

JLCPCB Prototype for $2(Any Color):
How to Get PCB Cash Coupon:

STEP 1: Video

STEP 2: Material Required

STEP 3: Circuit Drawing

As per the circuit drawing I design PCB

The is separate circuit for laser module A 2222a transistor is used to turn on/off laser from the digital output of arduino on pin 10

STEP 4: Software

Link to download laser GRBL software

Link to download arduino code and processing code

STEP 5: Results

I have made a dice from this 3D printer

and do some engraving on wood it turns out very amazing


Please stop giving wrong information. How can the lase be connected to arduino pin 10 when already arduino pin 10 is connected to 15 pin of L293d ic.
How many cables has the laser module? 3 (VCC, GND & TTL)?
Hello and good evening. The transistor is PN2222A or 2N2222A?
If laser module has 3 cables where are connecting? Please answer me these questions?
on the top of the board at the left there is write servo, plug them there
Can you give me the link of the gerber file??? pls