DIY Bookshelf Speakers


Intro: DIY Bookshelf Speakers

The idea was to build a small, low cost pair of speakers for everyday listening, placed on a bookshelf or on the sides of my computer. Having no audio measuring equipment to verify the result, left me no option but to make it as simple as possible.

STEP 1: Design

The inspiration came from designs that I found online based on small full range drivers in a transmission line configuration to boost the lower part of the spectrum. The specific driver (Tang Band W3-881SJ) is, I believe, a value for money champion. Most credits and thanks go out to Backyard Amusement youtube chanel and their Transmission line speaker box math made easy video series.

STEP 2: Materials & Parts

2 X Tang Band W3-881SJ F (Loudspeaker Freaks)

Pieces of 18mm thick plywood :

2 X 15cm X 10cm

4 X 19,5cm X 10cm

2 x 20,3cm X 10cm

4 X 11,5cm X 10cm

2 X 14,2cm X 10cm

4 X 23,9cm X 19,5cm (side panels)

Small pieces of plywoord for creating 45 degrees tube turns

Damping material (SONOFIL)

Speaker cable for internal wiring

2 X loudspeaker terminal sets

Wood glue, screws and dowel

STEP 3: Construction

I used both screws and wood glue for assembling the cabinet. Small pieces of dowel were used to cover the screw heads.First, I completed the transmission line maze and then attached the side panels. The box was filled with SONOFIL before the last side was glued together because it seemed impossible to insert it in a finished cabinet.

STEP 4: Listening...

Listening to the speakers was a pleasant surprise. The sound is relaxed and involving. I really loved the tracks that contained high and middle frequencies, such as violins, cellos, mandolins and human voices. I’m already working on the idea of adding a small subwoofer to enhance the bass experience.

Good luck everybody with your DIY projects!


What is the location and diameter of the hole in the front panel? Another diagram showing that would be helpful. Also, how did you route the wiring from the terminals in the back to the speaker in the front?
Hi again. The driver was placed keeping the same distance (6.8 cm) from left/right and top edge. The diameter of the hole is 7.5 cm according to the driver's datasheet.
Hi. I'll get back to you asap with the measurements. As for the wiring, the cable follows the transmission line path. I glued it underneath the sonofil layer.
The dimensions of the back wall 23.9cm X 10cm are wrong!
The correct ones are 20.3 cm x 10 cm.
Dear mkovachev,
Thank you for the correction. I've updated the project.

Nice! Thanks for sharing your first project and welcome to Instructables!

Hi world630! Thanks for your warm welcome!