DIY: Easy Steps to Unclog Your Bathroom Sink Without Any Chemicals


Intro: DIY: Easy Steps to Unclog Your Bathroom Sink Without Any Chemicals

Sink drains are really important in your kitchen and bathroom, but we somehow don’t realize their importance until they get clogged with filthy bio-films. We all know a common warning sign when water begins to pooling within your sink and unpleasant odors spread all around your kitchen or bathroom sinks. These signs are alerting you that soon you may be facing a clogged drain and if not taken care in time then one day the drainage will be blocked completely.

So, the question arises that what do you do to clear the clogged waste materials within the drainage pipes? Well, some of you may call a plumber or used some chemicals to make dirty bio-films wash away, but these are costly procedures. Moreover, the chemicals may create a pungent and suffocating smell within the area and are also harmful to human health.

If you ask me, I would say forget all these procedures and follow the given steps to unclog your bathroom sink without any chemicals, and that too within 15 minutes. Some of you may find these steps gross, but trust me it is totally worth all your efforts and your sink’s drainage will thank you for making them free from filth.

STEP 1: Prepare for Outpouring Water and Bio-films:

You need one plastic tub to collect dirty wastes from drainage pipes, screw driver to unscrew stopper and one toothbrush to clean microbial masses.

STEP 2: Detach and Clean U-shaped Pipe Under the Sink:

Safely unscrew both ends of the U-shaped pipe and clean out stuck bio-films and other microbial wastes using an old toothbrush. Toothbrush is used because it can easily get into even the narrow sections of the pipes.

STEP 3: Remove and Clean Tail Piece Thoroughly:

Unscrew the tailpipe attached to the sink pipe and check the layer of grimy microbial wastes. Saw the culprit that locked the drainage? Take out your armor (i.e. the toothbrush) to beat this slimy grime and make the tail pipe free from waste.

STEP 4: Clean Sink Drain Pipe:

Wash off the grime from your toothbrush, now up it into the sink drain pipe to take out the slimy wastes and clean it using running water to completely wash off these microbial wastes.

STEP 5: Clean the Stopper:

The stopper is connected underneath a horizontal rod that further links to the pull-up knob. Lift up the horizontal rod so that you can easily pull out the stopper for thorough cleaning.

STEP 6: Decouple Stopper and Unscrew Pivot Rod:

In my sink the horizontal pivot rod can be unscrewed using a regular screw driver. Don’t worry about losing the nuts as it remains fixed onto it pivot arm and decouple the stopper carefully.

STEP 7: Clean Stopper and Drain:

Now take off the whole stopper and get your toothbrush into the drain and force waste masses down into the plastic tub placed underneath the sink.

STEP 8: After Cleaning Attach the Pop-up Assembly Again:

After cleaning the entire pop-up system, assemble the set up like before neatly and carefully without any lose ends that may cause leakage.

STEP 9: Now Test the Connection:

Once you’re finished with cleaning and assembling the entire sink drainage system, then test the connection whether is working properly or not. Also, look out for any leakage or damage (if any) to repair it side by side.

STEP 10: Dispose the Wastes Outside:

Now, your whole drainage system is ready and clogs free. Just dispose the refugee microbial waste out of your home and use your clean and tidy sink like before.

You can follow these steps regularly every 3-4 months to keep your bathroom sink drainage clean and clog free throughout.