Introduction: DIY FerroFluid and Play With It

It's a simple instruction on how to make interesting ferrofluid and have fun with that. You just need several basic stuffs to do that.

Step 1: Materials You Will Need

1. Laser Printer Toner (50 ml)

2. Plant Oil (30ml)

4. Dropper, Glass Bar, Beaker with scale, Dish

5. Rare Earth Magnets (I use 3 rare earth magnets provided by Stanford Magnets, 1 SMDN0197, 1 SMDN0054, 1 SMBN0611)

6. Gloves

Step 2: Mix the Plant Oil and the Toner Powder

Mix the plant oil (30 ml) and Toner Powder (50 ml)

Step 3: Stir the Mixture

Stir the mixture of plant oil and toner powder until the 2 ingredients mixed evenly.

Step 4: Play With the Ferrofluid

I placed the SMDN0197 around the beaker with the ferrofluid. The ferrofluid started to move towards the magnet.

I moved some ferrofluid to dish to observe further.

Step 5: FerroFluid Jump to Magnets

1. I placed SMDN0197 on the other dish and hold the dish just about 0.5 cm above the ferrofluid. The ferrofluid start to jump to the dish.

2. Later replace SMDN0197 with SMBN0611. That super strong magnet made ferrofluid jump even higher.

Step 6: Magnet in Ferrofluid

I threw SMDN0054 into the ferrofluid forming a ferrofluid ball around the magnet.