Introduction: DIY Geometric Room Decor
This is an awesome and insanely easy piece of DIY room decor! I hope you like it! This is a remix inspired by Mia Stammer:
Step 1: Gather Supplies
What you need: Large Stick, Scissors, Ruler, Pen, Scrapbook Paper, String, Hot Glue/Tape
Step 2: String
So first, cut about 4-5 strands of 43 inch string. Then loop about 5 inches of the string over the stick and either tie, glue, or tape. Space these strands 9 1/2 inches apart.
Step 3: Triangles
Now cut about 15-18 triangles from your scrapbooking paper (about 2-3 different colors is good) and arrange them onto your string.
Step 4: Attatch
Now tape or glue on your triangles to your strings. Then flip it over.
Step 5: Viola!
Now that you have flipped over your art you can hang it up!