DIY Handbag


Intro: DIY Handbag

We are creating a sturdy handbag using suede leather cloth, this is a step by step tutorial & a video for better understanding.

The bag looks cool & stylish. It is suitable for carrying books, wallet, phone etc.

Bag is very stylish & perfect for parties & outings.

If you have a better sewing machine you can do it more easily & with a lot more perfection.

Here we are using our antique 30+ years old sewing machine, but the outcome is Awesome!!!!!!

STEP 1: Let's Get Started...

  • 5 Pieces 14x9''
  • 2 for front
  • 2 for back
  • 1 for bottom
  • 2.5'' space from each side for attaching the bottom piece.

STEP 2: Get Ready With Your Sewing Machine.

STEP 3: Stitch the Bottom Corners.

STEP 4: Work on Interfacing

STEP 5: Make Straps for the Bag

STEP 6: Time to Join Strap & Interfacing Along With Bag

STEP 7: Carefully Stitch Everything Together.

STEP 8: And It's Ready...