Introduction: DIY | Irrigation Timing System

About: Electronics hobbyy , electronic community try to add the new projects in electronic, mechatronic , robotic... your support is the secret of our growing.

This video present all the steps to make a timing controller system to irrigate trees, and it can be applied to other applications.the controller based on an Atmega328 microcontroller and an RTC3231 clock,where this device can be configured easly using the can control 4 pumps in 6 diffrenent times in day.

Step 1: In the Breadboard

Components to use :

1/- Arduino nano.



4/-LCD 1602 Display.

5/- 4xLED's

6/-Jumpers Cable.

Connect the LCD to the Arduino according to the list below:

LCD1602 --> Arduino

RS - PIN 5

EN - PIN 2


D4 - PIN 6

D5 - PIN 7

D6 - PIN 8

D7 - PIN 9

VCC - 5V


RTC3231 --> Arduino


VCC - 5V

SCL - A4

SDA - A5

Rotary encoder --> Arduino

BT - D4

A - D2

B - D3

Step 2: Coding

The code is so simple based on displaying actuel time from RTC3231 module and than compare it to the time already saved on the tables. if the time on table equal to the actuel time the output status change from 0 to 1, and vice versa.

Step 3: PCB Design

The PCB design is one of the important parts in any proffesionnel product, where we start chosing the right packages according to the right components , make your first order for free :

Step 4: Soldering & Testing

More details in the video below :) !!

Step 5: Sponsor NEXTPCB

The sponsor of this project is Nextpcb, it's a printed circuit board manufacturer based in china , they provide high quality and low prices, i was so happy to work with them, so get the chance and try the services of NextPcb and get your first 10pcs PCB's for free :