Introduction: DIY Magnetic Stir Plate
This magnetic stir plate is version #2 utilizing the same box from a previous build where the motor didnt work out. So the box is complete at this point with a simple switch attached taken from a PC power supply. Its just a square wood box so you have not missed much. This covers how I simply swapped out the internals and assembly.
A simple wood box will do or you can utilize a variety of other things you may have around the house to install the motor, which in this case is a simple computer fan. I have made this one to stir the DIY vape juice that I make but it has many other uses as well. Its quick, easy and very useful!
Materials Needed:
A Wooden Box Made To Size (or a plastic project box)
A 12V DC Power supply
A Simple ON/OFF Switch
Glass or Plexiglass To Fit Your Box (if making your own box)
(1) Neodymium Magnet From A Hard Drive
Contact Cement
A Mixing Vessel & Stir Bar
A Little Experience Wiring In A Simple Switch
And thats about it!
Watch The Video To See It Come Together and See How Well They Work With Just a Few Simple Materials!