Introduction: DIY Nanoleaf Lines
Hi! I saw a nanoleaf store in person and wanted to make this things for myself!
Step 1: Prepare the Lines
We made 8 Light Lines using Aluminum U Bar and white paint. The U Bar is cut in lengths of 1 foot and painted with spray paint. The Mounting Connectors are 3d Printed. The WS2812B Strip lights are placed on the printed spacer.stl using its double tape and was secured using glue gun, which is optional.
Step 2: Prepare the Lights
Solder the Strip light as follow and upload this arduino code! I used WEMOS D1 mini for wireless control via mqtt using a cellphone app. I'm still tetsing the cellphone app but here's the Arduino code that will work as power the wemos.
Step 3: Assemble It
Place it to the wall using this 3d printed part and a screw.
Step 4: Final Product!
Loving the results! I Hope you enjoy yours too! :)
Step 5: Future!
Under strict testing! ;)