Introduction: DIY PCB Track Cutter (no Glue Needed)
Lost my virginity to this site now, hopefully was worth it :).
Right, simple ideas are sometimes good ones and this I came upon today. Long time I used knife to cut PCB tracks. It works, but they didn't appeal to my eye and cut myself couple times too instead of PCB, and same time ruining PCB partially (grooves cutting PCB where is not needed)
Next I started using drill bit. It worked better, but was too tiny object to use long periods (imagine rolling tiny rod of steel between your fingertips, It'll start to get annoying after a while.)
Figures, handle was needed. Tried to search drilling machines chuck, but of course I couldn't find it....
Then I came to this idea, using terminal block as shaft-coupler for screwdriver. What is good thing, is that this cutting tool can be taken apart, in case you need that screwdriver elsewhere. And odds are you won't be cutting tracks daily.
Some people might wonder why I didn't buy factory-made? because just by looking at them, their handles were mostly awful and hence over priced (Ergonomy is one factor I'm looking for hand tools). This can be made with no expenses, unless of course you don't have these simple materials.
Step 1: Gather You Junk
Practically anything can be used as shaft-coupler, but this seems to be easy-to-find in most households.
1.drill bit
Well, quite possible THE thing needed, I used 1/8,quite close to 3mm, HSS, but that steel material Isn't mandatory (unless you spin it too fast....)
2.Screwdriver (actually two....)
Depending on you shaft-coupler, take whatever screwdriver that fits snugly. BUT, I highly recommend any model that has ''rifling'' at the back; it takes a lot of friction and makes cutting comfortable. Small thing, but comfort-issue.
And other screwdriver with what you tighten coupler hehe :)
3.Shaft coupler
Terminal block for 1.5mm2 cable is what I used, but if you're RC-hobbyist or similar, chances are you have around fitting coupler.
Step 2: Assemble the Puzzle
Here is nothing too complicated, just put things together and give it go! Hopefully it is useful, at least to me is.
Please, give feedback if you find need for it!