DIY Handgun Hanger


Intro: DIY Handgun Hanger

Firearm Safety
Proper firearm safety techniques should be used at all times. ALWAYS be sure to keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction, and have the safety on until ready to shoot. Before hanging your firearm on the hanger, be sure that the chamber is clear and the safety is on. Always keep your firearms stored in a safe and locked location.

Procedure Safety
Be sure to wear all listed safety gear when listed. Exercise caution when using a grinder or polishing wheel and always make sure to follow the warnings and safety instructions on any equipment you may use.

Safety Equipment:
• Safety glasses
• Long pants and sleeves
• Closed-toed shoes
• Gloves

This set of instructions intends to show readers how to construct their own pistol hanger to help keep their handguns accessible and organized in their gun safe.

Materials Needed:
•One 3/16 in diameter x 3 ft  steel rod ($2.98)
• Two #10 rubber end caps ($0.40)
• One can of Plasti-Dip ($6)
• Channel locks
• Hacksaw

STEP 1: Cut Rod to Size

Measure and mark a line a 20 inches from one end of the rod.

Place the rod securely in the vice.

Using a hacksaw, cut the rod to a length of 20 inches. After cutting, you may want to use a grinder or deburr wheel to remove any burrs or sharp edges on the rod.

STEP 2: Mark Bending Points

Measure and mark 4 inches and 5 inches in from one end of the rod. These bending points are for the section of rod that your firearm will hang from.

From the other end of the rod, measure and mark 4 inches and 4 7/8 inches in from end. These bending points will form the part of the hanger that will grip the shelf.

STEP 3: Making the First Bend

Using the end of the rod with the 4 and 5 inch marks, place the rod securely into the vice. Make sure that the inside mark (closest to the middle of the rod) is at the edge of the vice as shown in the photo. Once the rod is secure, bend the rod into a 90° angle as shown.

STEP 4: Bending Continued

Once the 90° angle is achieved, re-position the rod so that the 4 inch (outside) mark is at the edge of the vice and the end of the rod is pointing up. Once again, bend the end portion of the rod until another 90° angle is formed. 

STEP 5: Bending the Opposite Rod End

After completing the first series of bends, you are ready to bend the other end of the rod. Place the rod into the vice as shown. Be sure to line up the inside mark at the edge of the vice once again so that you will be able to form a 90° angle at the mark. Bend the rod to form a right angle.

STEP 6: Bending Continued

Once the first bend has been made, position the rod in the vice so that the outside mark is located at the edge of the vice.

Using a hammer, lightly tap at the edge of the vice to start a bend in the desired location. This will allow you to get a bend point started in the desired location.

Once the rod has bent as far as the vice will allow it, re-position the rod in the vice as shown. After re-clamping the rod, complete the 90° angle.

STEP 7: Completed Bends

At this point your hanger should look like the photo, and is now ready for coating.

STEP 8: Applying Coating

Using the can of Pasti-Dip, coat the hanger using the directions on the can.

After allowing the hanger to dry (an hour or so should be okay), flip the hanger and coat the other side.

You may want to repeat this step again and apply a second coating.

STEP 9: Apply Rubber End Caps

The final step in making your hanger is to apply a #10 rubber cap to each end of the rod. These are so that the ends of the hanger don't scratch or dent the barrel of your firearm.

(Note: Check to be sure that the caps fit snugly. They should stick very well, especially after applying the Plasti-Dip. If you want, put some glue inside the cap before applying it for safe measure.)

STEP 10: Final Adjustments

Make any final adjustments as you put your hanger on the shelf of your safe. If you find you are having trouble getting the hanger tight, you may try adding fabric to the bottom of you shelf.

Enjoy your homemade pistol hanger!

NOTE: You may want to customize the dimensions of your hanger based on your shelf size and the size and barrel length of the firearm you will be hanging. Play around with different sizes until you find the one that best fits you!

Article By: Arthur Williamson, Normondo Harris, Kendrick Adams, Mike Coyne, and Damon Ward


Thanks, I was just looking for something like this....

I will be making some very soon!

I agree with nikitzi, those end-caps are a bad idea. Perhaps a better solution is "Tool Dip", a product you dip your tools into that forms a rubberish coating on whatever gets dipped into them?

Anyone have any input on whether this might score/scar the interior of the barrel and/or muzzle?

Coppla comments:

Using the 3/16" rod, my .22 will not fit. No problem, it sits on a shelf..

Using the 3/16" rod, my Colt 45 and Ruger .44 hung down so as to almost slip off, so I used the next size up from stuff laying around in the garage. No more hanging.

I used electrical shrink wrap(?) with a little hanging over the end. Heated it with a heat gun and it fit snuggly. Don't worry about anything falling off into the barrels.

Thanks for posting these instructions. Made them from stuff hanging around the garage. Only spend about 2 bucks for the first rod. Ain't the internet something?/

Totally agree with nickitzi. Better safe than sorry. Other than that, it looks like a useful idea. Though, would it not damage the barrel in the long run by inserting/removing from the hanger?

You have a good design except for the end caps, never place any thing in a barrel that may get left behind in a moment of stress. Having a rubber end cap lodged in a barrel and then firing a round will have disastrous result.