DIY Self Watering Dog Dish


Intro: DIY Self Watering Dog Dish

Here's an easy way to keep your dogs dish or bowl full of water so he or she won't go thirsty! Recently I was at the hardware store and had a 4" PVC coupler in my hand and had an ah-ha moment! I realized right away how I could make a self watering dog bowl to eliminate my dogs occasional dry water dish. What I came up with was an easy to make self filling dog dish that works flawlessly! It re-purposes a soda bottle, pop bottle, or cola bottle to make this self watering bowl, which is good for the environment, and my dog!

STEP 1: A Quick Video

Some can visualize better by watching the video. Good luck with this Instructable!

STEP 2: Parts List

All dog bowls are different in size so specific measurements for this instructable aren't necessary. Watch the video at the end to get a better idea.

You'll need:

1) a piece of plywood for the base.

2) a piece of 2x4 for the stand

3) one white 4" PVC coupler (get it at the hardware store)

4) 4 screws.

5) 2 litre pop bottle with "hour glass" shape

6) optional: paint it whatever colour you like!

STEP 3: The Base

First, take the piece of plywood and use the 4" PVC coupler to scribe a rounded shape on the front corners. This will keep it feet and dog paw friendly.

STEP 4: Cutting the Base

Now use a jig saw to cut the corner pieces. If you don't have a jigsaw, a good sanding will do the trick.

STEP 5: Sanding and Smoothing

This step is optional. I used my router with a rounding bit to round out the edges of the 2x4 to give it that store bought pro look.

STEP 6: Adding the Base

Now pre drill 2 holes in the base for the 2x4. Use 2 screws to attach the base to the 2x4. You don't have to pre-drill but it makes it easier to assemble.

STEP 7: Cutting the Coupler

Next make 2 marks on the coupler about an inch or 26mm apart and cut it out using a hacksaw. Use sandpaper to smooth out the edges.

STEP 8: Drilling the Coupler

Make 2 marks and drill the coupler. It's easy to spread the PVC coupler apart a bit to get the drill in there or drill from the back.

STEP 9: Attaching the Coupler

We're ready for the last step! Place your dog bowl on the base. Fill the bottle with water and screw the cap on. Now slide the bottle into the PVC coupler upside down making sure the hour glass part of the bottle is seated in the middle of the coupler. Now hold the PVC coupler against the 2x4. The level of the water will be determined by the position of the mouth of the bottle. You can choose to have a low water level or high, whichever you want. Now remove the bottle and screw the PVC coupler to the 2x4 with 2 screws.

STEP 10: Your Dog Will Love You!

You're finished! Slide the bottle into the coupler and remove the cap!

STEP 11: How to Make a Self Watering Dog Dish

Some can visualize better by watching the video. Good luck with this Instructable!


Here is a another way to do it.

*a 2-liter bottle

*a foot-long pvc or plastic hose with diameter to fit on mouth of 2-liter bottle; the other end with 45-degree cut (just like a big needle in appearance)

*a bowl - to which the pointed end of the pvc will stand upon; probably needed to secure it in place so it won't be displaced when the pets drink; but removable if needed to clean it.

*a string - to tie the bottle to a post

Because of the foot-long pvc, there would be more headroom for the pets to drink from the bowl.

@swiperfox I am a bee keeper, if I am understanding the pvc version, your using the pvc as a trough. Im going to attempt to long cut a 2-4 inch pipe with a table saw to split the pipe 12-18 inches, cap with standard glued PVC caps. To prevent drowning bees is fill the trough with pebbles so they have a landing pad. I'll try to remember to post pics if it works.
Hi! What a brilliant idea!
I intend to make this for the strays in my street.
I am thinking of tying the coupler directly on a tree trunk and make another one for dry food too.
Could you pls give your advice on :
1. how to tie the coupler safely on the trunk and,
2. what ammendments would the bottle need for dry dog food instead of water?
Thank you!

It really does work. Its another version of it is a water bottle for chickens.

And the Water Dispenser for Humans

You can see in the video that it actually does.

O OK I did not see the video

With it pushing triple digits temps every day, I ran out and bought 3 4in couplers and 3 sodas for the project. One for dog area, back patio and in the house! My bottles must be a new manufacture batch that are a mm or so too small. They catch if empty but no so much when filled. I added heavy rubber bands between the mount screws to squeeze the PVC. They squeeze enough to hold the bottles. Quick, easy and very effective project. Awesome, thanks.

cool!!!! Im gonna ask my cousin to make it!!!

Great Idea! thanks for sharing. looking for an idea to build a food dispenser for cats pellets.

I think this would work well it you just cut the top of the bottle off at the first curve and placed it close enough to the cat's bowl so it would only run out when there was no other food holding it back. Did that make any sense?

Thank you very much, it does make sense! will try it and let you know

Thank you very much, it does make sense! will try it and let you know

now, if one can only take the dog out to do its thing after drinking the water. and whatever else they normally have to do.

Nicely done - now finish it by... finishing it! A coat of polyurethane (or even just paint) to keep the wood from soaking up spilled/splashed water would be a must here. Your plywood base will soon start pulling itself apart otherwise.

Great idea we did this with a big glass bowl and attached the water bottle to spindles that were already part of the kitchen division....

Thik about FREEZING THE WATER BOTTLE toss a few bottles of water in your freezer the dog has cool water and do try to check inside and clean the bottles of slime - its a good idea to toss them after a few uses - they peel inside sometimes.

Our girls had distilled water and loved ice cold water.

Wish we could just get a bowl made of glass with the screw in bottle portion attached .....that's all for now....take care

I will make one for my dog

What a great idea! I was a little frustrated, however, that the list of tools needed to do this project was not all-inclusive. There was a need for sandpaper, jigsaw, hacksaw, router and a drill - none of which were mentioned in the tools needed list! These things may be commonplace for most folks, but being a single woman I don't have many tools. Of the five things I listed above, I only have a drill, so I would need to make arrangements to get these other tools. Just wanted to point this out; have a great day!

Still first instructable. Sorry.

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