Introduction: DIY Unicorn Clear Slime
DIY Unicorn Clear Slime
For materials u will need:
Clear glue
Food coloring
Slime activator (Borax, Tide)
Step 1: Step 1: Make Clear Slime
Add clear glue into bowl
Add little water
Add bit slime activator (Tide, Borax = 1 tsp Borax, 2 cups of warm water)
Add bit slime activator until slime form
Step 2: Step 2: Make Red Slime
Take half of clear slime
Add a drop of red food coloring
Mix until slime become red
Step 3: Step 3: Make Blue Slime
Add a drop of blue food coloring into the other half of slime
Mix until slime become blue
Step 4: Step 4: Put It Together
Place slimes side by side in a container
Cover with lid and let it stand for 3 days+
Step 5: Step 5: Unicorn Slime
The slimes should start merge with each other//
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