Introduction: DIY Variable Linear Voltage Power Supply-Part 1
Power supply is an important instrument for an electronics enthusiast. You can used it to test many circuit as it serves a wide voltage range. It can be used to determine the forward voltage of a high power led, vary the speed of a dc motor and many more. Without further delay let’s jump right into it.
Step 1: Link for the Video
Step 2: List of Components.
1. LM317
2.Heat sink
3.1.5K ohm potentiometer
4.220 ohm resister
5.1uf electrolytic capacitor
5.0.1uf capacitor
6.12V,1.5A power supply module
Step 3: Circuit Connection.
1.Connect the components as per as the circuit diagram.
2.Make sure you place the 1uf capacitor in the right polarity.
3.For the calculation of resistors use the given formula.The value of resistors varies from the output voltage your using.
4.Connect the red wire of the voltmeter to 12V and the black one to ground and the voltage sense wire to output terminal of the lm317.
Advantages for linear mode power supplies include simplicity, reliability, low noise levels and low cost. This simplistic design makes linear power supplies more reliable because the low complexity level does not allow for many issues to arise. A performance advantage to linear mode power supplies is that they are relatively noise-free. Linear regulators have a low output voltage ripple making them best suitable for applications where noise-sensitivity is essential.
These disadvantages to linear power supplies include size, high heat loss, and lower efficiency levels when compared to a switch-mode power supply.The problem with linear power supply units, when used in a high power application, is that it requires a large transformer and other large components to handle the power. Another downside of linear regulators is the high heat loss that occurs when regulating a high power load. The high output current must pass through the power transistor because of the linear design. This thermal stress demands that linear power supplies use a heat sink to dissipate the energy loss.
Step 4: Success !!
The minimal voltage is 1.4V which is limited by my voltmeter and the minimum voltage the lm317 can go is 1.28V.
I hope you liked this project,stay tuned for the next part where I'll enclose it or more like make it permanent.
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Untill next time.