DIY a Simple Automatic Humidifier


Intro: DIY a Simple Automatic Humidifier

Let's see the video first.

In today’s society, more and more attention to the quality of life, pursue the healthy and comfortable living environment. So we made this device to monitor the indoor temperature and humidity, when the humidity falls below the safe values, it will automatically open the humidifier.

STEP 1: What You Need

• Arduino/Seeeduino
• Grove – Temp&Humi Sensor
• Grove – Button
• Grove – Water Atomization

Grove - Water Atomization is a perfect module for you to develop an atomizer or an atomizer module in your applications easily. With just a few simple steps, you can prototype an atomizer. It has Grove interface which makes it easy to be integrated into plenty of applications. A humidifier is a basic device it can be built with, you can develop more advanced and interesting projects with digital scent technology and any other situations in which atomization required.

STEP 2: Make a Shell

This device needs a shell to fix the Grove Modules, So my friend from Seeed help me cutting the acrylic sheets, I guess you don't have a laser cutting at home, you can find some in the hacker space near from you easily. If there's no hacker space nearby, you can try the Laser Cutting Service supply by Seeed.

You can download the Design Drawing by click

STEP 3: Connect the Modules

Connect the module as the below shows:

  • Grove – Temp&Humi A0
  • I2C_LCD I2C-Port
  • Grove – Water Atomization D5
  • Grove – Button D2

STEP 4: Software Work

We assume you have connected your Arduino board and computer well with USB.

  • Download demo code at
  • Click “Download zip” button on right side of webpage to download all codes.
  • Decompress the downloaded zip files to“C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Arduino\” and remove “-master” in decompressed file name.
  • Launch Arduino IDE.
  • Click Sketch>Add file to add Humidifier1.ino file from“C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Arduino\7.AutomaticHumidifier\Code\Humidifier1\”
  • Press CTRL +U to upload codes to your board. Wait a while, there will be prompt like following figure:

Congratulations, you have already completed the most of the work.

STEP 5: Test It

Now you can test your device to see whether it can work well as the video shows.


Is it Possible for you to send the Circuit set up/Schematics
where is the circuit connection diagram?

Nice project. I have a question about the Grove – Water Atomization D5. Does it support other PZT transducer such as 1.7 MHz?

2 questions from a total noob:
1-How is it working without power?
2-How is it "pumping" the water or heating it or whatever without a source for that?

Could it be e-voodoo?


1. It can't be working without power, it uses 5v power supply from USB port in the video.

2. About the principle of the humidifier, please put hand on

Hi there,

Thanks a lot, didn't know the first point, that was useful, regarding the humidifier, I know what it does but I don't know how it pulls the water from the container into the air

When he puts the wad of cotton in the water, the water is absorbed into the cotton and completely soaks it. When the atomizer picks up and uses some of the water from the top of the cotton wad, that area of the cotton becomes dryer. Naturally, water will once again move through the cotton to re-soak that dry spot. I believe this process of water evenly distributing itself is called osmosis. Hope this helps, if not, well... google it.

finaly something that makes it almost possible for me to make an automated humidifier for my cigars :3
Could you point me to what screen you're using? I haven't seen that one before, and it looks like a good size for many things.
I2C Lec, please refer to
There is no video nor is there link for the parts. I would like to try it, seems interesting
Are you using mobile? I sometimes notice that videos don't show up on mobile.

sounds strange, there's video actually.