Introduction: Decorative Concrete - Mokume Gane Method
Mokume gane is a metalworking technique that I have tried to emulate using concrete. It involves stacking different coloured materials to create fine layers. The material is cut to expose the lower layers and then flattened to form a distinctive pattern.
See below link for an example of mokume gane metalwork:
Some of the techniques used are similar to making agate ware (a form of pottery).
Step 1: Things You Will Need
- dust mask
- latex gloves
Coloured cement:
- white cement
- red, black and yellow pigment
- graphite
- form (body wash container)
- water
- detergent
- disposable cups
- popsicle sticks
- sodium silicate (available from pottery supply stores)
- paint brush
- knife sharpening stone (or other sanding/grinding tools)
- wire cutter (fishing line tied between two popsicle sticks)
Step 2: Instruction Video
Refer to the above instruction video for a demonstration of the method.
If you would like any further clarification or support on any of the steps, please feel free to leave me a comment and I will help as best as I can.