Introduction: Diy Customized Fidget Spinner(Rainbow Fidget Spinner)

About: Founder of Guy who always try to make innovative projects,check out what i made in my instructable..

Hello Friends,If You are bored of Your Fidget Spinner and Want To Customize it You are at the Right Place

All You Need Is

  1. Fidget spinner(which is to be customized)
  2. Cardboard
  3. Colour pens
  4. Paperglue
  5. Scissors

Step 1: Video Showing Customizing Fidget Spinner

You May Find Some Interesting Stuffs in My Channel :)

Step 2: Measurements

The Measurements Of Inner And Outer Radius Of Fidget Spinner is Taken(Which Needs To Be Customized)

Step 3: Markings

  • The measurements are Marked on Cardboard
  • Cut using scissors
  • Fidget Spinner is Coupled With Cut Cardboard
  • Do Same For Other Side also
  • Let it Dry

Step 4: Covering the Body

  • Thin Cardboard Strip is Cut
  • Glued To Edges Of Cardboard
  • Excess Strip is Cut
  • Allowed To Dry

Step 5: Colouring

Here Comes The Most Interesting Part

Step 6: Finishing

  • Caps Are Attached

Fidget Spinner Is Ready!!!What I Observed is There was a Increase in Spin Time after customizing,Hope you enjoyed my instructable!!!

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