Introduction: Diy Mini CNC Plotter Machine With Old DVD Motor's & ArduinoUNO

About: i'm a Arduino programer beginner

Using Old DVD Stepper Motor's

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Step 1:

Unscrew 2 Old DVD

Step 2:

We will use these tow stepper motor

Step 3: Glue the Tow Cover Together

Make sure to paste the tow cover well

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7: Connections

Connect the tow stepper motors and the servo motor to Motor shield ,

* make sure to use 9v Charger with the Motor shield .

* very 2 coil in the stepper motor are connected with one of the points in motor shield , like M3 connected to one coil and M4 connected to one coil , and the other stepper motor connected to M1 & M2 .

Step 8: Coding

- Upload the code ( CNC_code.ino ) to ArduinoUNO .

- open gctrl-master code and hit play .

- press P to select the serial port that corresponds to your arduino board .

- press G to stream a g-code file .

Download inkscape :

Code & Program's Link's_%26_ArduinoUNO

Step 9: