Introduction: Diy Simple Wood Vice

About: In Love with design, engineering and science. Please check out my Instagram page @zacsdesigns_ Feel free to request a project and ill see what I can do. I also sell a range of products so inbox me on my accou…

What inspired me?

I have had to complete so many tasks with a mini metal working vice for a few years now, and decided I would build a simple vice to hold the wood whilst being cut and sanded, without causing damage to the surface what so ever. I had a length of hard wood that I could use and then decided to make a quick lottle plan of the project.

What will you need?

-20mm by 75mm by 40mm length of wood (hardwood)

-Jig saw or simple hand saw

-Sander or sand paper

-13mm speed bit

-32mm speed bit

-8mm drill bit

-7mm threaded bar (any length 100mm and up)

-4 M7 washers

-6 M7 nuts

-mounting screws

Step 1: Step One - Cutting the Work to Length

I knew I wanted to make the vice using a length of hard wood just because it as much denser than other wood. This makes the surface harder and stronger resulting in it being able to withstand different types of destruction such as hammering, sanding and sawing. I used my ruler and pencil to mark out two lengths of 200mm. These don’t really have to be the same size, the largest one has to be the one making contact with the work bench.

Step 2: Step Two - Drilling the Holes

I then needed to work out where I needed to place the holes. I drew a line 40mm above the bottom of both pieces (landscape). I then made a mark on the line 40mm from both sides. This is where I wanted to make the holes. I made a large (32mm) hole 5mm deep on both points and another 13mm hole all the way through on both paints. I repeated this on the second piece but used a 8mm drill bit instead of the 13mm speed bit. This meant the vice wouldn't rock and move when in use. I wanted a tight fit.

Step 3: Step Three - Finishing the Vice

The vice was nearly completed. The only thing I had left to complete was to add the threaded bar and nuts. Each nut had a diameter of 15mm. I decided to hammer a nut at each point into the 13mm hole. I wanted it to stay in place while in use. If your nuts are smaller than 15mm, use some all-purpose glue or epoxy to secure them in place. I then made sure each length of threaded bar was 120mm. I used a file to quickly taper the ends to make it easier to add the nuts. I then threaded the bar through the nuts in the wood so it was sticking out about 10mm. I used another nut to fasten the bar in place. I used a spanner to apply more force and make the nut tighter. I then placed the other piece on top and added a washer then a nut. If you are not completely understanding how the pieces when together, make sure you take a little look at the pictures provided. Now all you have to do is mount the vice to your desk or work station or even use it like a normal clamp for drilling sanding or cutting.

Step 4: Finished

Thank you so much for reading this Instructable, even if you clicked onto the by accident thank you. Every view counts. I love these mini projects as it gives you people, my viewers a quick and simple project to try at home, please feel free to comment, follow and favourite for more amazing Summer DIY projects like this one.