See You Soon


Intro: See You Soon

See you soon


Im soo happy to see that someone else also makes paper cars and joined the contest! Attention to detail is amazing and I believe you have spent many many more years that I have that for sure C; Please tell me you have a social platform where you share your progress and also the other cars you have made the past years!
Thanks, Thomas
Insane work! That's impressive
This project is amazing, but the big problem is:
This is NOT a tutorial.
This does NOT tell you in any way how to make your own papercraft car.
This SHOWS you making it.

As much as I like this project, I am disappointed by the fact that there are no instructions whatsoever in this post.
In the most respectful way possible, this post is you simply showing off your project, not helping others make it or encouraging them to make their own.
Respectfully, this isn't a tutorial, you're absolutely right. I believe the intention is not to boast, but rather to inspire. The amount of hours the author dedicated to this project and the result they managed to achieve deserves recognition.
This is an assumption, but I highly doubt the author had a tutorial to follow, which made the project worth doing. Investing in a project like this that requires hours of research and development has a steep learning curve and it is often a personal journey. If the author intended this to be a tutorial, I agree that they did fall short. If their intention was to inspire others to start at the same place as they did, complete the R&D necessary and invest themselves in the laborious, tedious, and seemingly insurmountable task at hand, then they succeeded. In our community, we don't show off, we share and inspire. To be clear, step by step tutorials are the backbone of this site, but one can argue that they can only take you so far. Projects of this calibre might seem daunting, but it does not mean that they have to be discouraging. If you don't have the experience or skill set to accomplish such a feat presently, don't fret, keep at it, and one day you will. Also, as an aside, review the tail end of rule 17 from Strunk & White's Elements of Style.
Mr. Ham
I understand your point.
However, I am simply disappointed by how little actual "help" this post offers, and how it really seems like a "look at my project" post, such as how 8 out of 18 steps are literally photos, when they could have put all the photos into one step.
Of course, if "inspiring" is all that this post is meant to do, I believe it has succeeded, at least to some people. But seeing how this website is for Instructions (hence the name "Instructables") and not simply a photo uploading site, I believe this post is not very well-suited for the concept "instructions".
People are clearly voting based on how impressive-looking this project is, rather than how much help it actually gives. And that is sad.

With some regret,
Eojin K.
First, Romain518, I apologize for getting into this side discussion in the comments section of your project. Second, KimE59, votes have absolutely no effect on contest winner selection if that's what you're worried about. I understand your frustration as well as your perspective, especially as a teacher. If you would like to discuss this any further send me a direct message in order to reduce the clutter in the author's comments section.
Mr. Ham
Hello Ham-made,

No worries :) it's interesting !
Hello KimE59,

Yes, I understand what you mean, but it would have been painful to explain all the pieces of the car.
I had to build 2040 pieces to reproduce the car with the best possible definition.
Between the steps presented, there is a huge leap.I chose to show some striking photos, showing the big evolutions and explaining them best.
My method is to use the tab system as if to make the pattern of a cube.
All parts are designed in the same way but of course the patterns are more complex.
Attempts by bosses are drawn before the draft.
A search time was required before designing each piece.
Construction was not planned for a tutorial.

This is absolutely awesome! Buddy, please make a video explaining of Step 1 (planning) in detail. Like, how did you get the measurements, the tab system, etc,. It will be tremendously helpful!

You deserve that Canon EOS M6 kit! *Voted*

Good morning to you,

I do not have a video but I will add some images showing the construction by explaining my method.
Félicitations . Super boulot , j'ai même pas de mots pour ce que t'a fait

Merci beaucoup !
That is a really impressive build, especially that engine :)