Introduction: Dog-Bits (Dog Treat)
Easy And Tasty To Make
Step 1: 1.Ingredients
1.Sausage of Any Kind
Step 2: 2.Cutting
Cut The Sausage In Half
Step 3: 3.Aline the Sausages
Aline The Sausages Beside Each Other Ready To Cut them in half
Step 4: 4.Cut in Tiny Squares
4.Cut In Squares The Sausage
Step 5: 5.Continue Cutting in Small Squares
Continue Cutting In Small Squares
Step 6: 6.Time to Cut the Ham
Cut In Half And Then Again In half
Step 7: 7.How It's Should Look Like
7.Once Cut Prepare To Start Layering
Step 8: 8.Add All Ingredients in a Bowl Ready to Prepare
8.Gather all ingredients in a bowl for preparing
Step 9: 9.Start to Layer the Ingredients in the Pets Plate
9.Start Layering the ingredients in pets bowl/plate
Step 10: 10.Ready to Serve
10.Once done serve to your pet and watch her/him enjoy a taste meat meal