Dog Flea-Free Soap Homemade


Intro: Dog Flea-Free Soap Homemade

This soap kill fleas during the bath
Make sure to wash your dog every week
I've had trouble with fleas and my dogs
This soap is natural
I do not like to use the flea shampoo because of all the chemicals
I found that is you place a flea in a glass of water
After a week has passed, the flea will turn into a tapeworm

STEP 1: Materials

Vegetable soap

Tea tree oil





STEP 2: Making the Soap

Cut or grate your soap
Place in the jar and add a few drops water a a tablespoon vinegar
Vinegar prevents fleas
I used oatmeal soap to soothe the flea bites on the dog
Place the jar in the microwave for 1 minute
The soap will rise so watch the soap carefully
Stir the soap until liquid and foamy
Place the soap melt into a mold
Wait a day until firm

STEP 3: Results

How to use:

Wet the dog with water
Lather the dog in soap until foamy
Wait five minutes
Spray the dog with water to get rid of the dead fleas



Eucalyptus oil and water.......mist animals, bedding, floors etc. works for repelling fleas and ticks
Even diluted, tea tree oil can be harmful to pets. Please do not put this on your dog.

Thank you SOmeone that knows that this is dangerous. Good Job. Poinson control has a list of oils NOT to be used with Animals for those that would like to make this... Make sure it is not on that list. And please don't say it rinses off. becuase unless you are doing a vinegar rinse..... residue is still there for them to lick!

You can use a vinegar rinse (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water) to help prevent fleas, smooth the coat and balance the skin's acid mantle.

I didn't know you could microwave soap to add your own ingredients! Good to know!

NOt toallt sure what vegetable soap is but from what I found on ingredients on all the bars I did find- had chemical in them-- IF you can buy natural soap from someone that makes soap where you can read and pronouce the ingredients it would be much better.. Good to know about the vinegar..

fleas do not turn into tapeworms I am sorry to say.. I use water and a light to catch them all the time and never change the water for over a week.. depending how many I may get. Also- Tea Tree OIl is on the DO NOT use on animals list and is Toxic to animals.. You may want to reseach It.

"I found that is you place a flea in a glass of water
After a week has passed, the flea will turn into a tapeworm"
You know, if you can document Siphonaptera genetically mutating into Platyhelminthes, entirely different orders, your Nobel Prize is assured.

More likely, your dog has a tapeworm, and the cestode eggs are present in the feces and got onto his fur. If you got your flea for water-testing by combing it out of the fur, cestodes eggs could very likely have been there. I suggest getting your dogs checked for tapeworms. And yourself, as a nurse pointed out that you could have ingested cestode eggs from the dogs, too.

hahaaha. I would like to see that research and experiment. they would be able to transmute led into gold.
i wonder how the flea metamorphisized to tape worm.
the flea didn't change into a tapeworm. the flea tapeworm infects the flea larvae as a way to be ingested when the dog or cat licks the offending flea bite and ends up getting the flea in its mouth and subsequently into its stomach.