Dog School Bus


Intro: Dog School Bus

This is AJ, my therapy dog. He leads the Halloween Parade every year at the Elementary School that we volunteer at. The kids know him and know he will be in costume every year too. Since he is a big St. Bernard, I can never find any costumes to fit him so we usually have to make it. My son suggested that we make him a School Bus since he will be leading the school parade and I knew that would be perfect.


This was a really simple costume to make. We bought foam board that were the perfect color for the bus. The passengers are profile pictures of dogs we found online. We decided to use dog breeds that we’ve had before or that our family currently has. The front seat passenger dogs had their ears blowing back like their heads are out the window. Once the window/passenger pictures were glued on, my son measured and used electrical tape for all the black stripes and to outline the windows. We cut the bottom of the foam board for the wheels and painted them black. Then we printed a picture of a bus stop sign, glued that on and wrote the name of the Elementary School and a number on the side. I bought about a yard of yellow fabric and measured it over his back. We then hot glued the foam boards so they would lay flat on his sides. I left enough fabric to be able to cut a strip to be attached to the other side with Velcro under his stomach and around his neck. This way it would hold the bus in place when he walked and even if he shook.

STEP 2: All Ready

Once completed, I let him wear it for a trial run a little bit the day before the parade. He didn't mind it at all.

STEP 3: Finished

This was a really easy costume to make and it was a huge hit at the school. The kids, staff and parents all loved it.
