Introduction: Doggy Nails by Dremel

About: I work in the mental health field as therapist in a residential treatment program. I also have a duel career in health and wellness doing massage and personal exercise training. My hobbies which spill over in…
A great way to trim your dogs nails is with the dremel.

Step 1: What You Need

a Dremel hand took
one (nervous looking) dog

Step 2: Position Dog

Position your dog and press the paw so the toes splay.

Depending on just how much your dog hates having his or her nails done will determine how much holding and cradling you will have to do.

In the case of my dog he must be cradled and have his paws held by me and my wife holds his paw too and does the trimming.

Step 3: Trim

File the nails worth the dremel head to the desired length.

Don't go to short or you will get the quick and hurt your friend.

*Don't forget the most important dewclaw.

Step 4: Praise Your Dog

Praise your friend and give him or her love and treats.

*Show them the dremel (off) before and after so they can see that it is safe.