Introduction: Dollar Patio Chair Seat Replacement
I have two wicker patio chairs that both decided to come apart around the same time. Instead of trashing the set and buying a new one, I decided to try creating a new base that I could put a pretty cushion over. I stopped at the dollar store and picked up two 1/4 inch 100 foot "cloth rope". I sort of just winged the design since I am going for more structural stability than anything.
Step 1: Prepare the Rope
Start by finding the two ends of the rope (you may need another person to help you here) hold the two ends together and stretch the rope out until you find the middle. Wrap the middle piece over the left bar of the chair and pull the ends through to start the knot.
Step 2: Pull Tight
Pull Tight and repeat on the other side..
Step 3: Over and Under
Pull the rope over the other side of the chair and pull the rope through the middle.
Step 4: Loop Around
Pull the rope over the string furthest from you and bring the rope under the string closest to you...
Step 5: Loop Under and Over for Next Row
Bring the rope over the first row and loop under and over the bar to start the next row. Make sure to pull the loop knot in close to the bar to make it nice and tight.
Step 6: Repeat Over and Under
Pull the rope nice and tight over, under and through....
Step 7: Repeat Loop Around
Loop over the string furthest from you, bring under and over the string closest to you.
Step 8: Repeat Step 5
Step 9: Repeat Steps 6-7
Repeat steps 5-7 until you reach the back end of the chair..
Step 10: Loop Over and Under the Back
Start the cross section by looping over and under the back bar and under the first rope. push and pull the rope over and under each cross section (no need to pull the rope all the way through each section, just go along pushing and pulling the rope over and under, giving yourself enough slack each time until you reach the end. then pull the remaining rope through.
Step 11:
Step 12:
Step 13:
Step 14: Finishing Up
Keep going making new rows and pushing and pulling through until you reach the other side of the chair. At this point I had several feet of rope left, so after tying off at the corner (shown in next few pictures) I made a X across the chair and then tied a couple knots with the last bit of rope.