Dual H-Bridge - L298 Breakout Board - Homemade


Intro: Dual H-Bridge - L298 Breakout Board - Homemade

This is my homemade Dual H-Bridge using the IC L298N.

For control DC motors or step Motors ao other purposes just like you need.

Others projects:


STEP 1: Hardware and Materials


1 x perf  board 13x26 holes (3,5 x 7,0 cm)
2 x AK300/3 connector
1 x 8 Header female connector for Arduino
1 x L298N (Multiwatt15)
8 x 1N4001 Diode
2 x 100nF capacitor
2 x 0,47Ohm x 1W Resistor
Wire (green and blue colors)

STEP 2: Schematic

This is the basic schematic. It works perfectly.

A more advanced schematic and board for eagle cad, you can download from the link below.



STEP 3: 1st Step - Perfboard, Holes Location

Make a Board with 3,5 x 7,0 cm or 13 x 26 holes.

Locate in this board, all holes that we will use for the components.

STEP 4: 2nd Step - Components

After sanding and cleaning the board, put all components in it according of the diagram above and schematic.
For this, bend components properly.
Do the soldering for each group of components independently, for example:
diodes first and then connectors and then capacitors and resistors and finally the L298N IC; or in what order you want or you are used to do.

STEP 5: 3rd Step - Soldering and Wired Tracks

Following the schematic and diagram above, first of all make all soldered tracks in the bottom layer of the board.
After that, solder the jumper wires making the wired tracks.

Green wires are on the top layer and blue wires are on the bottom layer of the board.

STEP 6: 4th Step - Video and Tests

This is my first test of the "Dual H-Bridge" homemade, with the IC-L298N in a Breakout Board.

The cart was controlled by bluetooth (using the "Blue Control" application of the Android market).

Each time we hit in the controls (forward or backward) the  DC motor run for 1s, in this way, if we hit twice the motors will run for 2s and so on .
For the left and right, each time we hit the control, the motors will run for 500ms. This temporization can be modified in the program below.

See the entire video for more information; ahh sorry for my English I am studying yet...


#   File:                          BlueTooth_Bot_R1.pde                                            
#   Micro controller:  Arduino UNO ou Teensy++ 2.0     
#   Language:              Wiring / C /Processing /Fritzing / Arduino IDE         
# Objectives:             A bluetooth controlled cart
# Funcionamento:    Just a simple test of the home L298N breakout Board
#   Author:             Marcelo Moraes
#   Date:                13/02/13
#   Place:              Sorocaba - SP - Brazil

This project contains code to the public domain.
The modification is permitted without notice.


// definição de variáveis, constantes e valores

int inA1 = 10; // Pins for the PONTE-H
int inA2 = 11;
int inB1 = 5;
int inB2 = 6;

// Arduino initialization
void setup(){
  // Serial communication initialization
at the beginning motors stopped

// loop principal do programa
void loop(){

  if (Serial.available() > 0){// if serial data are available
    char varC = Serial.read(); // reading the serial port data

    if(varC == 'U'){ // move forward
    if(varC == 'D'){ // move backward
    if(varC == 'C'){ // stopped
    if(varC == 'R'){ // turn right
    if(varC == 'L'){ // turn left

// running motors
void set_motors(int left_speed, int right_speed){
  if(right_speed >= 0 && left_speed >= 0){
    analogWrite(inA1, 0);
    analogWrite(inA2, right_speed);
    analogWrite(inB1, 0);
    analogWrite(inB2, left_speed);
  if(right_speed >= 0 && left_speed < 0){
    left_speed = -left_speed;
    analogWrite(inA1, 0);
    analogWrite(inA2, right_speed);
    analogWrite(inB1, left_speed);
    analogWrite(inB2, 0);
  if(right_speed < 0 && left_speed >= 0){
    right_speed = -right_speed;
    analogWrite(inA1, right_speed);
    analogWrite(inA2, 0);
    analogWrite(inB1, 0);
    analogWrite(inB2, left_speed);
  if(right_speed < 0 && left_speed < 0){
    right_speed = -right_speed;
    left_speed = -left_speed;
    analogWrite(inA1, right_speed);
    analogWrite(inA2, 0);
    analogWrite(inB1, left_speed);
    analogWrite(inB2, 0);


Can i make it on bread board
Can i make this schematics on breadboard


I am having trouble with the arduino connections. I am thinking as:

Input1 = A1 in code

Input2 = A2

Input3 = B1

Input4 = B2

What are the Enable A & B for? In the video, I don't see them connected to a pin? How should I connect it to the Arduino? I couldn't see it in the video

Hi Marcelo,

Can you do the same shield with single or dual face PCB?

Or generate fritzing file.



hello sir is this same as the other modules on web?


Are these capacitors mandatory? Power supply already has the needed capacitors right? is there any specific purpose for these two?


- Anurag.


If i have a dc motor 24v,do i have to change something or that circuit will work with my motor too?


Hello, I have some resistance from 0.47 ohm 0.5W, ceramic capacitors 104Z LK and 1N4007 diodes. They go well? I need 2A output but I have to connect a single port and the power supply from 7.3 V


Gorthan :)

Hi BigDog1971 - excellent job with the H-bridge! Impressive presentation, you clearly worked hard to to share your work in a way people can understand and learn from.

My question is do you know of a micro-controller chip that can be added to the H-bridge motor driver board to provide PWM to control the L298N and take commands from a Raspberry Pi B+.

I am trying to build a Raspberry Pi robot from scratch, meaning the chassis and all support circuits, such as a motor control via an H-bridge are build from plans on perf-board instead of purchased.

So far I have been unable to identify a through the hole mirco-controller that can interface with the Raspberry Pi and provide PWM to the L298N.

Do you have any ideas or recommendations?

Thank you.

Strong recommendation for the Cypress Semiconductor PSoC4 processor. It can output PWM using pure hardware and has a 32bit ARM processor on the same chip. The development boards are $4.


I am so sorry but I do not work with RaspBerry Pi and I do not know how to interconnect with arduino uno neither to the Dual H-Bridge.
So I cannot help you in this matter.



If you aren't doing this for the fun of building, this one is definetely worth buying premade since it is only like $2.00 on ebay if you do a search for lm298n dual h-bridge.

No, I am not doing this for sale, just for fun and to know how it works.



Can you please tell me what is the purpose of diodes. I tried using it with

a 1 Amp. DC motor it works fine initially but fails after couple of days.

I was wondering if its to do with diodes. Should I use diodes with higher


i am getting only 0.5 volt on all the output pins.. why its happening? i also changed my l298n to make sure the chip is fine. i am not using the capacitors. any suggestion. thanks in advance

Are you using the external 12V power source?
Check the "sense" pins connections, they must be connected to ground directly or via 0.5Ohm x 2W resistor.
The ground must be common for both +5V and +12V power source.
The capacitors are just for DC voltage decoupling.

This kind of issue is so difficult to check this problem remotely.

I hope I have helped you.

Feel free to send me your questions.

Marcelo Moraes

can u create to me coding to control 2 motor, 1 motor left right and 1 motor forward backward i want use to h-bridge driver pls reply to my email nickmuzill@yahoo.com

and can u plz send me the video of how to use them if ur free or plz instruct me because im just 12 years old and what about the other tamiya items

and sorry if i am bothering u

Hi Ishan,
Send me an email requesting the code and libraries.
You are not bothering me. Feel free to send me your questions.



Marcelo Moraes
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