Duct Tape IPod Case!!!!


Intro: Duct Tape IPod Case!!!!

Materials Duct tape Cardboard Pen/pencil Scissors

STEP 1: Tracing

Trace your iPod/iPhone on the cardboard and cut it out

STEP 2: Wrapping

Wrap the cardboard with whatever color you picked of duct tape

STEP 3: Top

Put the cardboard under your iPod and put some duct tape on top and duct tape it to the cardboard and then cut a little hole for the camera do that on the back to

STEP 4: Bottom

Do the same ad the top so cut a hole thanks and comment favorite and follow ! Thanks for checking this out!!! -aqua 12


Yah you totally could!!;))
Great job aqua, I'm guessing you could use it on an iPad too?
Thanks! @TimeTheBoss11
But thanks for checking it out and giving your opinion;(
The cardboard will protect it;(
It's honestly pretty ugly. The holes are cut pretty badly. Looks like it was done very quickly without care.
I agree with SockMonkey,
It needs a plastic case underneath the tape. The tape certainly isn't going to protect the phone in a fall.
It's an interesting concept but needs better execution.
How would you put a plastic covering on it and do u like it cuz you only talked about ypurs