Dynatrap Mosquito Trap Fan Fix


Intro: Dynatrap Mosquito Trap Fan Fix

Working mosquito trap after undocumented required maintenance.

STEP 1: The Problem

Dynatraps or other appliances with fans can get gummed up with years of dirt and at some point will stop.

The motor is a standard 12v fan like a computer fan and is especially problematic with years of dirt or spiderwebs.

Fortunately it can be fixed with a drop of oil if it is just barely starting. DC motors have magnets around a circular axis and if it can't start - or is just doing a partial turn every time, it's due to friction.

STEP 2: Disassembly

The device fan grid can be pried off. As with most appliances of this type, undo all the screws, where there are no screws you can use a couple flat screwdrivers to push open and unclip the plastic clips keeping the fan assembly on.

STEP 3: Oil

The fan here is like the usual 12v computer fan - you will notice that under this sticker there is a rubber plug. Under the rubber plug there is the axle of rotation, and if you add a couple drops the motor will be un-bound!