Easy Guitar Pick Dispenser


Intro: Easy Guitar Pick Dispenser

Very simple and effective 3d printed pick dispenser!

STEP 1: Download/Print

Download these STL files and 3d Print each piece

STEP 2: Trim Plastic

The pieces will most likely have excess or rough plastic. Trim the excess off so the pieces look nice and clean.

STEP 3: Treat With Acetone

  1. Grab a paper towel and pour a little acetone on to the paper towel
  2. Wrap up the pieces in this paper towel
  3. Let sit for an hour or so to smooth the plastic

STEP 4: Attach Spring

  1. Grab a basic spring from an old pen
  2. Cut spring in half
  3. Hot glue to base of holder and platform

STEP 5: Attach Top

Hot glue the top onto the holder and you are good to go!
