Easy Paper Kite for Kids


Intro: Easy Paper Kite for Kids

This Instructable will show you how to make a simple, easy-to-make, easy-to-fly, paper kite that is great for kids.

STEP 1: Materials

To make this kite, you will need:

1. 8.5"x11" piece of paper

This is your standard copy paper size. Regular paper works fine, but I like card stock because it's a little sturdier. Use whatever you have. If you use plain white paper, let your kid color bright designs all over it before beginning the project.

2. A wooden skewer. A straight drinking straw works too.

3. Kite string. You can find this at a lot of department stores. If not, almost any strong but light string would work. Quilters' string is about the right thickness. Yarn may be too heavy, sewing thread too light. Fishing line is light but strong.

4. Ribbon. Most wide ribbon would work fine. I like using surveyors tape (available at hardware stores) because it's made of plastic, which is lighter (for a longer tail!) and durable. Surveyors tape comes in bright fluorescent colors that kids like.

5. Scissors or hole punch.

6. Tape.

STEP 2: Step 1

Start with your piece of paper:

Fold it in half.


Mark a point on the top of the paper about one inch from the fold.

Mark a point on the bottom of the paper about one inch from the open side.

Imagine, or draw, a line connecting these two dots.


Fold the top corner of the paper down along the line that you've just created.


Next, flip the paper over and fold the other side down to match the side you just folded.


Flip the paper back over so that it looks the way it did in Step 4.

Tape along the middle seam.


Lay a skewer across the kite, as shown, and tape it in place. You'll probably have to cut the skewer down to size with your scissors.


Flip the kite back over and straighten the "spine".


Mark a spot about a third of the way down the spine, and about half an inch from the edge. Put tape over this mark to reinforce it on both sides.

Use your hole punch or scissors to make a hole in this spot.

Tie your kite string through this hole. Make sure to use a good knot!

STEP 10:

Tape a length of ribbon to the back of the kite, at the bottom.

If you use light ribbon like surveyors tape, the tail can be 6-10 feet long. Heavier ribbon should be shorter. You can experiment with the length; if it seems the kite can't hold up your ribbon as it flies, just trim it shorter.

STEP 11:

Your kite is ready to fly!

These kites don't need very much wind to get lift, and are not the best for VERY windy days. A nice steady breeze is all it needs.

Remember, sometimes it takes practice to learn to fly a kite. Just remember to reel it in some if it looks like it's falling, and let out more string if it starts to tug hard. Make sure that middle "spine" is straight before the kite goes up.

Good luck!


i am a kite maker and Its simplest kite design i have seen. thank you for sharing detailed project guide
How long does the string have to be, Instructables? I would like to know this because it's a project at school.
Probably bare minimum would be fifteen feet for smaller kids....but I've had older kids get these up in the air on a hundred feet of light string.

How long does the string need to be?

Probably bare minimum would be fifteen feet for smaller kids....but I've had older kids get these up in the air on a hundred feet of light string.

The minimum I suggest is 15 to 20 feet for small children as they just love to run with their kite. If you keep the kite as light as you can, you can add as much as 100 ft. or more in a good wind.


Marshall Harris

Can you use a paint stick?
Excellent Instructable!
Last night we made these with our Cub Scout pack, and I passed on the design to another pack who did the same. The preparation for both was very much last minute for both of us.
Both cub packs had an total success in making the kites. given about 25-30 mins all the kids had a decorated kite with a string they could use to run about with the kite. All of the kids took them home!
Thank you!
ok is that your kite is that we is that are on the up of ti
is that is that good thing that are and is that happened to people in pop is that fun is that were is that you in the

This is a very good project for the Cub Scouts as well as the Brownies! It's also good for the older Scouts too. By the way, I am an Eagle Scout and very proud to have attained that goal. Our whole family was involved with scouting when I was growing up in Chattanooga TN. My dad became our Scout Master and was awarded the Silver Beaver. That was all many years ago. I am now 76 years of age. When I give classes in kite making, one of the first things I mention is: Be Prepared!

Marshall Harris

I'm glad they worked out well for everyone!
amina a see in the is a good people
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