Easy Way to Grow Seedlings Using a Worm Farm


Intro: Easy Way to Grow Seedlings Using a Worm Farm

This is especially for hard to grow seeds such as dates, and I use this method for all sorts of seeds, I just put some pomegranate, custard apple, macadamia, palm seeds, apples, oranges in there, I have had great success with dates, a worm farm has superior soil and humidity and the right moisture and fertility so it's perfect for growing seeds

STEP 1: Throw Seeds In

Put them on the worm bed, that's a date seed I'm pointing at

STEP 2: Wait

Let the seeds sprout and get big enough to have the energy to be re potted

STEP 3: Pull Seedlings Out

When they come up its time to pull them out, loosen the soil around them with a bamboo skewer and carefully work the seedling out and repot it
I've also made some purpose build date palm pots see my other instructible


I do this all the time for my avocado pits. I've also done this with pumpkin and cabbage stems. I just bury the pits in the worm bin. The warmth, moisture and the cleansing action of the worms encourages a healthy seed to sprout. The worm casting are known to be good for seedlings, even more so than established plants. . With Pumpkin, you just put the guts and seeds into the bin, the worms eat the guts and clean the seeds and the healthy ones will sprout and the bad seeds will rot and be eaten. With the cabbage stem, I just buried the bottom half of a cut cabbage into the worm bedding and it sent out new roots and eventually sprouted new leaves. Transplant when the seedling shows strong growth. I plan to do the same with my taro root. I prefer to sprout them first before planting in the garden to rule out rotten roots and know for sure it's alive and strong.