Easy Way to Scare Off Unwanted Birds


Intro: Easy Way to Scare Off Unwanted Birds

For years I've been plagued with birds that build nests on top of the porch light on my front porch and on a shelf on my side porch. I have nothing against birds, but their roosting on these porches really makes a mess. Over the years I've tried many things to keep them from nesting on these porches, including putting things that move with the wind, using spikes (they built their nest on top of the spikes), plastic snakes, and even a plastic owl (they built a nest inside the back of it).

So far nothing has worked....until now!

STEP 1: This Is the Only Step!

Glue the googly eyes to the piece of scrap wood and place it where you don't want the birds building their nest. That's all!

I put these where the birds had started to build their nests this year, and apparently the "eyes" look like a predator to them. This is the easiest bird deterrent I've ever done, and it works! Both porches are now free of birds.


I love this idea! We have a lot of robins and they built nests where we don’t want them, like under our deck in our patio area. Several times one has attacked and hit me in the back when I was near their nest! I will definitely do this! Thanks for sharing!!!